
Teddy Bear Tuesdays

I take on too many projects. Is that good or bad? I am not sure. I started Lyonesque on the idea that I wanted a purpose for my re-purposed projects. I girl can only make so many bears, or toys, or whatnot and still have room in her house to sit down and eat dinner. I never had a specific medium that I love to work with. I grew up not wanting for anything; yet, I have a mother, that grew up having to use creativity to get all that she needed for life. This inspired me, and was passed down to me, not by necessity but who says resourcefulness needs necessity to occur? So here I am, with boxes and boxes of raw materials just waiting for a hundred different types of projects. I can see it as a lack of focus for my business, or an overwhelming lack of creative block. I chose the latter.

When I decided to start selling the products of my resourceful creativity it started with my mother. I went and worked on my items at her house because she has always been my creative inspiration, and co-conspirator on such things. We called it Teddy Bear Tuesday because Lyonesque started with teddy bears only. To refocus myself, and my goals for Lyonesque, I am going to restart Teddy Bear Tuesday. Part of that will be updating here every Tuesday with the direction my shop will be taking and all that goes with it. I am new to the blogging world, so be easy on me! :)

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